Monday, July 30, 2007


Molly loves our new neighborhood. As I have said she rides everywhere in the cul-de-sac. She waves to the workers and neighbors...she is the Mayor of Sugar Mill Road! But each day she hunts down Mr. Don and his father-in-law Mr. Eddie. We bring them snacks, juice boxes, picutres and name it. Molly will make me wait outside during Kaitlin's nap for it was 125% humidity and 89 degrees! We waited and waited but no sign of Mr. DOn. His van was here but he wasn't. So, Molly enjoyed digging and cleaning up debris in Miss Vivian and Mr. Henry's yard.....of course in a dress!

Sunday, July 22, 2007


We made it! Kailtin is finally 1! We cheated this time around.....she has had chocolate and milk before this monumental day. But she never had a lady bug cake like the one we made her! We knew it was her birthday since she woke up with a fever and a puffy eye. Like many of you might know, birthdays are taboo here in the Hardy house. Molly had the croup for her 1st birthday party, 2nd birthday we where in a car accident, I fell up the stairs (I was pregnant) and Mike had malaria. So why should this year be different?
We had a great time at Grammie Ruth's today and she had cake on her actual birthday 7/20 and we celebrated a little earlier at Papa and Rosie's. So I think Kaitlin had a great birthday! Not sure she knows she is one but she seemed to like the pretty paper and balloons....and of course CAKE!
We went to the doctor on the 24th for her 1 year appointment her stats: 23.1 lbs and 30 inches! Right now she is walking, climbing and trying to run. She has been up and motoring since about 9.5 months. She can say hi, ball, Mama, Dada, no, M for Molly and scream. She loves to get into everything and if it fits, put it in her mouth. She loves water...any kind- puddles, toilets, tubs, pools, faucets, name it! We are having a lot of fun with her and Molly is TRYING to guide her as she blossoms into a lovely little toddler.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Together At Last!

Well we are a family under one roof....just the Hardys! No offense to my parents or Mike's Mom and Tom. We are somewhat unpacked......a ways to go but 65% there! The girls and I have gone to the pool, the South Park Mall (I died and went to heaven) and plenty of other shopping. We went to the town parade for the 4th and then to the Lowe's Speedway for some racing and fireworks from the most unbelievable skybox condo!

We are getting used to the "suburbs" of Charlotte...not like the DC burbs but we will figure where things are soon enough! We met some of our neighbors...there are 9 of us I think but more are coming! So far we are getting by just fine and enjoying it!

Molly and Kaitlin are loving the tiny frogs in our yard as well as the bunnies and turtles. Molly can actually ride her bike in our street and not worry about any cars. She rides over to the new constuction to visit "Mr. Eddie" (the builder's father in law) everyday. She has met the kids up the street and they were all playing together in the dirt the other night. Kaitlin is doing great...walking EVERYWHERE! She loves going up and down the stairs much to my dismay. She enjoys playing in all the toilets as well as the dishwasher in her spare time.

Well that is pretty much it! We are here so come on down!