Friday, April 27, 2007

Our First Trip To the Dentist

Molly went to the dentist on Wednesday and she is cavity free! Dr. Maureen looked at her teeth and said they are nice and clean. I guess the last two molars are coming through. I guess Molly is a late bloomer with her teeth...they should have come through at 2.

Kaitlin had her 9 month checkup and she is a healthy girl! She weighs in at 20 lbs and 11.5 ounces putting her in the 85%, she is 31.5 inches putting her in the 95% and her head is in the 80%. Thank goodness....Molly was off the charts for a while. She is fine but she a little fussy and warm from her shots.

Mike is on his way to Charlotte after a NIGHTMARE 4 hour closing yesterday. But WE ARE DONE WITH THE HOUSE!!!!!! Here we come Charlotte!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Go Mr. Don!

Here are some updates to our house.

This is it!

Well the end of the 4th St chapter has come to a close. Tomorrow signs and signs and signs and signs his name over our closing papers. It is sad but a new chapter has begun for the Hardy clan. Our house is coming along and the brick is almost all up!

I can't believe that April is almost over and spring has FINALLY sprung here in CT. We are having fun outside and playing in the sunshine. Hope you enjoy the new photos.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

2 Days To Go!

Well we close on our 4th Street house on Tuesday and Mike is on his way to NC. The movers have come and gone with 12,000 lbs of STUFF! Not sure how you get all that after being married for only 6 years...but with the girls stuff and our clothes and make sense!

The girls are doing fine now that the sun is out. Molly even has a tummy! Maybe we will weigh 30 lbs at our 3 year check up! Thanks to Rosie's meals and Slow Churned Chocolate Silk Ice Cream, Molly has caught up on the growth chart. Kaitlin is about to walk very soon. She just turned 9 months on the 20th...time sure does fly! She is crawl walking right now and she desperately wants to walk. She motors herself around the room by hanging onto to almost anything but she figures crawling is faster. She is a stubborn and determined little girl when it comes to getting toys or what ever she wants. She enjoys the dog dish, toilets, trash cans, grass and dirt. I am not sure if walking will make it better!

We are all doing great and the house seems to be coming along. I know the girls love it here but their miss their Daddy!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Settling In

Well we made it to my parents and after a couple of days of unpacking and can say we have settled in! Thanks to my Dad, 3 boxes ($100 to ship) had been unpacked and the closet and a dresser were almost full. I unpacked another 3 boxes and four suitcases...we are girls and we have a lot of stuff! So the guest room (my brother's old room) and my old room have been taken over.

The girls are having fun being spoiled by Rosie and Papa. Not only do they have wonderful meals and snacks, they also have a playground in the back, toys from my childhood ( Strawberry Shortcake, Weebles, original Fisher Price), new fun toys that make noise and special towels and ducks for bath-time! Oh, not to mention clothes, formula and diapers! I guess my Mom was right when she said not to bring anything!

We have been to the park, daily strolls with Bailey the dog, the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium, Stew Leonard's and we even got some time at Target...go figure. It has been nice to have help and company. I am not sure my parents know how much Mike and I appreciate them!

I made my last trip to the old house and I am sad to say that my final goodbye is tomorrow. Mike will settle on this house and we will see him in the middle of May. So we are really moving now!

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Well, Mr. Don is making strides with our house. We actually have a structure that resembles a house! Not being a construction guru, I guess the inside takes longer than the outside. The projected deliver date is the first week of July! Just in time for the dog days of summer! Not ever having built a home, it has been fun watching the progress!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Goodbye 5920 4th St N!

After a tearful goodbye the Hardy girls have moved to 155 Oak Ridge Rd Stratford, CT! After the 25th, Mike is headed to 1010 Chadwyck Rd Monroe, NC. We will miss our 4th St friends and hope they will come visit us in Charlotte. We can't thank you all enough for you kindness and your hospitality. Our family birthdays will not be the same with out The Kellys, The Landrums, The Clarks, The Frietas Family, The Pilots, The Coys (sorry James) and of course Kathy and John! You all will be missed!

Our Mema is 90!

Mema is 90 today! Eleanor Hardy was born today this day April 7th 1917! Happy birthday Mema!

It's A Boy!

We finally have a boy to add to the gaggle of girls! Paul Ignatius Patton was born on 3/29/2007! He joins his big sister Ellie and parents Peter and Kate in NYC! Molly and Kaitlin can't wait for him to come play! Welcome Paul!